What's the point of it all?
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Last night over cheeseburgers and beer, my mother (but you can call her J-Dawg) asked me, "So what is this blog thing?" and I didn't really have an articulate answer for that. It's partly a way to waste my time, I'm sure, but mostly just an outlet and something that is hopefully relatively entertaining for others. In an effort to keep all of you beautiful people amused for today, see the following list of some of my favorite time-wasting websites. Where did I find these, you ask? That's the beauty of the internet-- I don't remember.

- www.extremepumpkin.com
- www.bluejake.com
- www.chicagoist.com
- www.mrpicassohead.com
- www.flowgo.com (this one is esp. hilarious- be sure to check out "Baby Queen" and "Arnold & Gary Spice Boys Rap")

Enjoy! It's almost Friday....