Lift, Drag & Thrust
Thursday, September 02, 2004
No, this posting is not about what you think it's about-- get your mind out of the gutter!

Today, I will embark on my second round-trip flight across our beautiful land. Boy, am I ever excited. After reading a recent post from Phaneromania, I was reminded of something. Well, two things actually:

1: I am reminded of why Paula and I get along so well. An unlikely pair, I'll admit, but one of the most rewarding friendships I've ever had.

2: Airports. I hate them. I think the FAA secretly mandates that airports release stupid dust through the vents & ducts. Side effects of this dust include: loss of common sense, loss of control over children traveling in your group, slow and aimless walking, loss of control over strollers, and the sudden paralysis of directional skills. There are maps of the airport posted EVERYWHERE. There is signage EVERYWHERE. Why, then are people still wandering around, wondering where the hell they're going?! Somebody throw me a bone, here. Does everyone else know where they are going, and I'm the one who is lost?!

Airports are the reason that human child-leashes were invented. Airports are the cause of those bizarre, recline-able, seated massage chairs with the weird donut-shaped headrests. Airports make people think they are invisible, making possible a display of bad taste in clothing available for all to see: short-shorts in a variety of colors and fabrics (denim is my personal fave), pajamas, slippers, suits with pearls, gloves, and a hat-- you name it, you'll see it at the airport. It makes me want to put on a light-blocking blindfold, find a quiet corner, and pretend that it just doesn't exist.