Speaking of Speaking
Thursday, January 20, 2005
I am such a stalker for posting about this...Have you all listened to the NPR interview featuring Heather Armstrong? I listened, initially, because I was genuinely interested in the subject at hand. I gave it a second listen because The Dooce herself didn't sound ANYTHING like the "voice" I hear in my head when I read her blog. I guess I always figured her writing had a harder edge to it, so if I were casting the "Dooce" animated primetime show, I'd hire oh, let's say Allison Janney or Portia DiRossi. My initial thought for her voice was Kathy Griffin, but let's face it - Dooce deserves better than a maniacal D-lister with a blatant nose job. Anyways, if any of you readers out there also read Dooce, chime in. I'm curious to hear whether you agree, or simply think that I am crazy.

You can hear the interview here. Link courtesy of NPR, by way of Dooce.