Wednesday, April 13, 2005
You know what REALLY gets under my skin, what makes me livid? People who think they're above the rules. People who bend the rules with a smile on their face, and people who think that regulations that are for everyone SOMEHOW, MYSTERIOUSLY BUT FORTUNATELY don't apply to them. I always put in 1000% when it comes to following the rules, sometimes to the point of severe uptight-ness. I give it my best, and I expect the same from other people. Is that too much to ask?!

The show doesn't start until tomorrow, and people have been streaming in and out of our showroom all day today. Why haven't we shut the doors, you ask? Because we're here to sell, and if people can't see the product, they won't buy. I get that. I was a business major for a time - I think I have the basics covered. I, and the rest of the staff onsite, however, are not prepared to sell. We're still hanging posters, changing out lightbulbs, and working on finalizing prices. We're dressed in jeans, jerseys, and ugly, baggy sweaters (that would be me - it's freezing in here!). We can't have a meeting in the back room without someone walking in, seeing no one and yelling, "Helloooo? Eeez der ahnyboddy at hoome?"

Long story short - we do not look professional. My hair is in a ponytail, and not the cute, polished kind. We look like locals that were hired to install drywall, and yet we've been forced to service people THAT AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE UNTIL TOMORROW. I hate not appearing polished when it comes to sales and work, I hate that we don't have our shit together, and MOST OF ALL, I hate that people attending this fiasco of a conference CAN'T WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW.

If I had my way, I'd have papered over the windows, locked the doors, and opened on opening day. Not let people watch us vacuum, dust, paint, and arrange flowers through 3 glass walls as they walk by. Sales quota bedamned, I think we look like a bunch of ragamuffins hocking someone else's furniture. Nobody else seems to be bothered by the fact that we LOOK TOTALLY UNPROFESSIONAL. Inside my head, I am screaming.

Today is the kind of day that makes me want to cry. Literally. I might, later.