Underwire Support
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
As you may or may not know, I have been involved for the past year (or so) with the Avon Foundation's Walk For Breast Cancer. At first, my involvement was nothing more than a simple desire to continue my philanthropic activities after college. Then it became something more - something intrinsic and personally significant. I have never had anyone in my family suffer at the hands of breast cancer -- other cancers, yes. Anyone who knows ANYTHING about this disease should be aware that it is claiming lives everyday, everywhere.

This year is my second year as a crew team leader for the Chicago Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Please considering donating to assist in the prevention, education, research, and treatment of this frightening disease. 96% of your donation goes directly to hospitals, patients, doctors, and labs. If not for me, or for yourself, donate for a sister, mother, grandmother, or friend. Did you know that breast cancer also affects men?

Statistics say that 1 in every 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. Who will it be in MY immediate group of friends, I wonder, or yours? Please help me fight for patients everywhere by donating to this cause. (That link will take you directly to my fundraising site)

Thank you so much.