Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Over the past couple of months, I have been attempting to reform my bad decision making when it comes to my finances. I know that money is a funny/awkward topic for some people, but I'll ignore this social anathema for now to ask for your advice.

If we equate spending money needlessly to crime, I'd really only be guilty of a petty misdemeanor or felony. I certainly wouldn't be a serial killer. My credit standing is surprisingly good for someone who has almost no financial self-discpline to speak of.

I'm gradually getting better about spending too much, and saving too little, but still looking for the magic piece of advice. That being said, what is your best suggestion for budgeting? Any tips for me, the girl who was raised in a "money is meant to be spent- you can't take it with you" household?

All comments must begin with the phrase, "Dear Big Spender..." mostly because I like that song. And it's relevant. And I think it's funny.