Monday, September 19, 2005
The retrospective "Jamie's Hair: Through the Years" has officially been postponed until I can get to my parent's house to find some incriminating and entertaining photos.

I'm stuck on the idea of friends lately. This weekend, I had a minor epiphany.

Have you ever noticed that there are some girls that only have male friends? They might be athletic, they might be girlie, but no matter what, they only seem to be comfortable in a room full of men. They claim that they're not interested in the drama of having close friends who are female. They're accustomed to the novelty of being the token woman in a gaggle of men. I personally believe they're frightened of a little competition. I call these women inadvertant attention whores, but that's just me.

Just kidding. Sort of.

There is a value to having a core (or extended) group of female friends -- one that cannot be found in any other setting. The unusual ties that bind women together are undeniable, and can be a double-edged sword...for instance, only women know why other women are catty. It's just in our DNA. Ran into your boyfriend with another girl? Female friends understand that you need 3 things: Ben & Jerry's, champagne, and all sorts of reasons why that other girl is a fat, unattractive, dumbass ho-bag. Out for a night on the town? Female friends won't leave you for a cute piece of leather-jacketed ass.

In non-sarcastic terms, I think that the ability for a woman to have healthy relationships with other women is indicative of many things: coping mechanisms, social finesse and ability, diplomacy, I could go on. Have female friends is challenging and infinitely rewarding. There are reasons (beyond vanity and self-preservation) why women will FIGHT for friendships with other women. We know that lasting friendships are hard-won and deserve 110% effort.

As a party on Saturday night, I got a chance to observe interactions between men who seemingly have the same type of relationships with one another that I do with my closest girlfriends. I am beginning to think the qualities that women find so appealing in other women may ALSO apply to guys.

Do men value their male friendships as much as we women do? I would like to think so.

In my fight to remain open-minded about gender and friendship, have I unwittingly disqualified men from the competition? I know I have male readers, so guys, chime in with your thoughts...