Baby Boy
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I took a day off yesterday to meet my new nephew, Grant. Here are a few of my favorite images (out of the eleventy gajillion that I took) to enlarge.

I am always surprised at how tiny babies are. In a temporary fit of CSI-fueled ridiculousness, I took a photo of Grant next to a dollar bill, you know, for scale and perspective.

Brianna seemed to be adjusting very well to the addition of the baby, although it's only been 4 days or so...

I know it's completely crass, but I can't help thinking that I've managed to document the very first instance of Grant trying to blame "that smell" on someone else. He's even pointing. Clearly, he's a genius and is frustrated at our lack of sophisticated infant communication ability.

G is a snuggler, and likes to be right up under a warm chin. He just sort of installs himself there. It's adorable.

His big sister was so incredibly adorable from the very beginning, that I was a bit worried that Grant might not be able to live up to the cute-level that has been established. I don't think I need to worry about that anymore.