Wednesday, October 12, 2005
While I am currently unmarried and childless, I do have a niece and 7/8 of a nephew to think about. I must remain updated on all trendy childrens toys, shows, clothing, etc. lest I become the outdated, stupid aunt that isn't any fun. I fully plan on being the aunt that plies her little ones with sugary sodas, too much television, and plenty of naked time. YOU WANT TO PET THE TIGER AT THE ZOO, OKAY THEN...PLENTY OF PEOPLE LIVE FULL LIVES WITH ONLY ONE HAND. LET'S DO IT!

That kind of aunt. Sort of.

I have to make a confession right here and now - I don't understand Dora The Explorer. I should know more about this...more than half of the blogs I read are written by young mothers. Can somebody explain to me the appeal of this show?

My niece, Brianna, is currently obsessed with Dora's sidekick Boots. Based on my limited knowledge of the show, I gather that Boots is not a human, but rather a monkey. Since her verbal skills have been rapidly developing, she now refers to him as "BoosedaMAHNkee" - translated to be "Boot the Monkey." Is this obsession normal?

That's Bathtime Boots in the photo, being clutched by little 2 y.o. sausage fingers. God forbid we not hold Boots at all times.