Home Sweet Studio
Thursday, March 02, 2006
I know you were all waiting on pins and needles to find out, but I ended up choosing the updated, studio apartment. The rest of the downpayment is due today, and after that, I just have to deal with the renovations being made over the next several months.

I won't close on it until sometime in July, but until then, will be very busy making all sorts of matrices, charts, and lists of the things I need to accomplish before moving, things that need to be done immediately upon move-in, and things that I meant to do by the time I turned 26. The lists, they control my life sometimes - I tend to spend my time documenting instead of doing. It's a problem, I admit.

I guess I'll be much more excited as the closing date draws near. Or I'll be too busy looking at paint swatches, and rearranging my drawn-to-scale-furniture-layout yet again.