Quick & Dirty Update
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Condo Update
Good news earlier today, an identical unit opened up in a different part of the building. Here's hoping that I won't get the royal screw AGAIN and be forced to sue for breach of contract. Keep all fingers and toes crossed until you hear otherwise.

Dog Update
Only got up once last night - around 4am, I think. Up again at 5:50 to beg about getting in bed with me, and of course I let him up, where he slept like an angel on top of my right arm until it fell asleep at 7 am, waking me up.

Reading Update
The Kite Runner was good, but not earth-shatteringly-life-changingly good. I was shocked at some of the more vivid descriptions of the destruction of Kabul -- I can't believe that 40 years ago, my mother and my aunt were backpacking across that region ALONE and stayed safe and sound. Pakistan, India, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq - two young women by themselves in another world and now it's a war torn, death zone. Strange and chilling.

Weight Update
Haven't lost much - maybe 2 or 3 lbs. Since I'm not really doing a good job of sticking to the diet, this is not surprising to me.

New Site Update
Basic design is complete. I need to resize the banner, and toy around a little with the stylesheet, but for the most part, it's up and running. I enlisted the advice of a couple, trustworthy blogging colleagues and I'm pretty confident with it thus far. Lord knows I'll probably redesign the entire thing again in 6 months. Tentative rollout is scheduled for Monday the 20th.

Family Update
Sally Field and Dick Cheney are undergoing renovations in their city pad, and about to sell their beloved house in Galena. Which means that, for the first time in their entire lives, they will be city folk through and through. EMPTY NESTERS MY EYE. We are all headed out to the boondocks to celebrate our last weekend there, as a family. I plan on returning with many photos of small, adorable children, and a guilt complex surrounding the weekend kenneling of my dog.