Sell a Million Copies and I'll Bring my Crazy Uncle (who likes to dress each day in a sports uniform head-to-toe) to the Book Release Party
Thursday, April 06, 2006
I'm going to take my posting time today to pimp out my internet friend Kevin. See, this is the strange and wonderful thing about the internet. We've never met, but that doesn't mean that I can't give him mad props for the book he has written, Wrigleyworld. In fact, he was on the city's number #1 radio morning show just this morning. My good friend [deleted confusion here] sent me a text alerting me to the appearance -- a text message that I got at the last minute, so I only caught a snippet of the interview.

Traditional athletics were never my forte. I often explain it with, "I'm not good at ball sports." I have such a way with words. I prefer to watch the game -- although I did almost catch a touchdown pass 2 years ago during touch football with friends. (Key word there is almost) I haven't read the book yet...DAMN YOU AMAZON AND YOUR DELAYED SHIPPING...but as soon as I do, there will be a review here for all to see. The review of a person that really doesn't know anything about anything when it comes to sports. Awesome.

So short story looong: Buy the book already.

Sidenote to Kevin - you have the perfect voice for radio. When you become a bajillionaire off the wild success of the book, and tire of the constant partying/coke/hookers/debauchery and excess, you can do radio for fun. Think about it.