Tuesday, May 02, 2006
I'm a strange girl, I admit. As much as I conform to certain trends, there are others that I simply don't subscribe to. Because I am first (and foremost) a dancer, I usually see movement in my head the first time I hear any song...any time I hear a song, for that matter. I can't explain it - it just happens. My sister suffers from the same affliction. We both unconsciously bob our heads, move our arms, and do other wacky things in response to certain auditory and visual stimuli. Most times, we have no idea we're doing it.

Occasionally, I will come across a piece of music that I have a strong reaction to. Works that fall into this category are "Hero of the Day" by Metallica, "Simple Things" by Aaron Copland, "Secret World" by Peter Gabriel, and one random bit of the "Thirtysomethings" soundtrack. (Hey, I didn't say it was all critically acclaimed)

The newest in my long, and sadly undocumented, list of powerful songs is "Taking the Long Way" by the Dixie Chicks. Don't laugh - their new album is apparently quite fresh and a bit sassy. From what I've heard thus far, it pretty much flies in the face of all the things we think we know about their views, their musical ability, and their image. This particular track has definite Tom Petty influences to it - and who can say no to that?