Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Impossible to read at one sitting, but utterly unputdownable.

Did you know that only 3 American presidents fall under the "Leo" category of the zodiac? (Herbert Hoover, William Jefferson Clinton, and Benjamin Harrison) Clearly this is a sign that I need to get a jump on my campaign for the year 2035.

This is the perfect book for commuters who don't want to get so lost in a plot that they miss their stop. Also excellent for the ADHD population at large, as it jumps wildly (and seemingly without logical direction) from one topic to another.

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The book was short and intense, much like the brief couplings that comprise the central relationship of this short story. I haven't seen the movie, but I'm guessing the screenplay attempts to answer a lot of the questions Proulx leaves hanging. Sexual orientation aside, the story is heartbreaking. I wholeheartedly recommend this.