Dude. What happened to June?
Monday, June 26, 2006
As I get older, I find myself wondering things that I never thought I'd even notice. Like the passage of time. Much to the entertainment of whomever is standing in my immediate vicinity, I sometimes wonder aloud. Things just fly out of my mouth, what can I say?

Evidence that I cannot handle the velocity of my own life

- The Taste of Chicago starts in 4 days. 4 DAYS. Where did June go?

- My niece just turned 3, and recently informed me that I am silly and should take a time out. Okay, then. I'll get right on that, ma'am.

- I realized this morning that I've been driving for almost 10 years. That's a decade. A MOTHERF***ING DECADE.

- If not for my job, sometimes I would pass the length of an entire day without talking to anyone but my dog.

- As of this month's end, both of my parents will be retired.

- I am disgusted by the clothing in the "juniors" section of every department store I enter.

- I find The Golden Girls increasingly funny, the more I watch of it.

- I have a varicose vein in my left, outer thigh/leg area. Sally Field (a registered nurse) attributes it to a lifetime of dancing. I attribute it to the fact that I'M GETTING OLDER OH MY GOD SO WHY NOT JUST JUMP RIGHT INTO UGLY, VEINY LEGS WHILE I'M AT IT?

And the real kicker...

- I can now get solidly drunk off of 3 beers. Sometimes less.