Keeps the Doctor Away
Thursday, December 28, 2006
After months of consternation, hemming, hawing, and general wringing of hands and rending of garments, I have settled on buying myself an Apple.

Since portability really isn't a necessity for me (ergo, no laptop), I went into the Apple Store yesterday to discuss desktops. (which, um, hello?! post-Christmas chaos! what on earth was I thinking?!) It sounds like the iMac is the right choice for my needs, and it will look good on my desktop. When it comes to form and function, I'm typically more interested in the form. I realize this is backwards, but it's just the way I am. LOVE ME FOR MY FRIVOLOUS TASTE IN PRODUCT DESIGN, OR LEAVE ME.

Either way, I get all excited and run it past Sean (who is my computer superhero and resident sounding board) and he informs me that it would be prudent to wait until AFTER MacWorld to purchase. MacWorld is next week, ya'll. I don't know if I can wait that long - restraint isn't exactly one of my strong suits. But I guess I'm going to wait it out, in case they make an announcement that would affect the configuration and/or pricing on what I want to buy.

So I'm just here, computerless and unable to check my email from work, waiting.




Still waiting.