2007 To Do
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I'm not an advocate of resolutions, but I love me a good, old fashioned "To Do" list every now and then (or you know, the one that I write each day, then rewrite because my handwriting wasn't consistent throughout (damn the capital/lowercase hybrid handwriting!), and then rewritten again because there's a miniscule tear in the paper, and again because I need one for work and one for home, and do you see how this goes on and on, ad nauseum, because I am two lists away from chanting "Wapner, Wapner at 3 o'clock" on somebody's front doorstep?!).


So here goes.

Jamie's List of Things to Get Done in 2007

1. Lose 10 pounds. Not 15, not 5. Ten.
2. Spent majority of quiet nights quietly reading and not watching hours of pointless, syndicated television. If I'm going to sit around on my ass, my brain may as well get a workout.
3. Buy computer, immediately install MS Money (or Quicken, whatever) and get my shit together where my finances are concerned. (Also: learn to check my accounts each day, and reconcile each day. Should coincide with daily blog entry.)
4. Take the dog on longer walks.
5. Cook more.
6. Begin sewing again - first on the list are pillow covers for my couch pillows, then a thick, dramatic curtain to replace my closet doors.
7. Attend BlogHer '07.
8. Stop taking everything so damn seriously, and lighten the hell up.

This is not to say that I am unhappy with my life, but since popular culture almost demands that we assess and refresh our life goals each January, I figure I may as well jump on the bandwagon. I hope to feel more empowered in 2007 - not just for myself, but to enhance my interactions with those around me.