In Which I Ask for Travel Advice
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sean and I are taking a trip to Switzerland in mid-February with our friends Keith and Hilary. We're in the frantic planning stages, and my mind has very much been on things like our train itinerary, our hotel choices, and whether or not I need to buy ski pants...which is unfortunate, seeing as how my mind SHOULD be on things like work, balancing my checkbook, and ummm, work?

I am looking forward to this trip on several levels. Sean and I travel really well together (minus the occasional bickering session over the mapquest directions, or whether or not I can make it another 2 miles before I eat lunch because if I don't eat? Damn. Look out.) and I haven't taken a "for real do nothing lay around and eat" vacation since...2002, maybe? We went on a family vacay to South Carolina last summer, but since there were family functions and frillions of children running around, I don't count that one. It was paid for by my parents, so perhaps I should. That is a story for another time and place.

Have you ever been to Switzerland, people of the interwebnet? I'm geeked to get to speak some German on the trip, since I haven't used my mad Deutsche skillz since the late 90s. I'm also excited to buy some chocolate, try NOT to die as I slide down the side of the Alps on thin footboards that have been waxed for additional speed (I don't call them skis - that term is not as serious as it needs to be), and eat some great Alpine food. Mmmm, schnitzel and potato pancakes...oh baby.

Or maybe I should just try to get my picture taken with these guys...

Here is your chance to give me some advice about the trip -- suggestions on Switzerland, or just suggestions on international travel of any what OTC sleeping pills to purchase for the flights, or perhaps the most important thing to keep in my backpack OTHER than my passport and some Wet Ones. I would love the input - thanks!