Tuesday, January 30, 2007
So I'm messing around with the blogger template for this site, trying to get warmed up again to redesign my actual website and get it ready to be my ONLY blog. Seriously this time - it's been a sad, solitary YEAR since I got it (thanks, Sean!) and I've done almost nothing for it. Pathetic blogger! (slaps hand)

Until then, I hope you'll be entertained by what goes on with this site -- I can't promise anything good, but I can almost certainly promise some interesting mastheads. Because photoshop and myself? A MATCH MADE IN BLOGGING HEAVEN.

For the full, super-dee-duper, interwebneteractive experience, here is evidence that I'm really working hard:

This DIY web moment is brought to you by iPhoto Booth. It's also evidence that I need to get a lamp for this half of the apartment and stop biting my nails already, sheesh.