Thursday, December 27, 2007
Today has been an...interesting day. I can't seem to focus on anything - I've been to two DIFFERENT grocery stores in an attempt to buy the ingredients to this dish Sean really likes. Then I got home from the second and realized I forgot one ingredient. And it wasn't something that can be picked up casually at the local Seven-11.

It's sauerkraut.

So now I'm inside, where it's nice and warm, feeling guilty about how Sean's walking BACK the ten blocks to the grocery store (again) to grab a single can of sauerkraut. It's a measure of two things, really: (1) proof that the holidays have rendered me incapable of accomplishing the simplest of tasks, and (2) how much Sean loves my cousin's reuben dip.

Then we're going to have some cozy dip and exchange Christmas gifts. Yay! Then again, him walking back to the grocery store is sort of a gift in and of itself. What a guy.