I Still Can't Bring Myself to Watch the Clip
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Honestly, I am not at all surprised to hear that a Marine tossed puppies over a rocky cliff into a ravine. We train our soldiers to be killing machines - to turn off and on that primal urge to defend themselves, and to take the life of another person whether by direct fire or tactical strategy. I would hope that most of the soliders in the 5 arms of our military would only resort to violence when absolutely necessary but this isn't the Karate Kid, folks. There is no time to chant "wax on, wax off" as you take hits from enemy fire.

So I have to admit I'm a little perplexed about all the uproar with these puppies. While I'd like everyone to show more compassion towards animals in general, what was this guy supposed to do? Adopt them, give them chew toys, and carry them around in a baby carrier while he drives a tank around? Of course there is no excuse for the way he treated them, but how can we chastise him for injuring a puppy and, in the same breath, congratulate him for torturing that Iraqi prisoner? Talk about mixed messages.

I abhor violence, but I'm a realist in this instance. What say you, readers?