Friday, May 01, 2009
This article has me wondering if there will be jobs created. Like a dedicated janitor to mop up the vomit from all the people brave enough to step out there. Talk about disorientation! I wouldn't do it.

In other news, the FDA has *finally* pulled Hydroxycut from the market. I know quite a few people personally who have used (and loved) Hydroxycut - even before it was produced without Ephedra. That shit works, I won't lie. I have never been more grateful that I, personally, never gave into the temptation. I would much rather ruin my liver with alcohol.

And finally, it's May Day! In other words, today is the only day of the year in which I might actually consider publicly dancing around/near/with a pole. I'd hate to disrespect my neopagan ancestry.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!