In Which I Decide to Introduce My Dad to YouTube At the Risk of BLOWING HIS MIND
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Over the past week, I have made some unexpected discoveries about my parents' everyday life. As retirees, I suppose I always figured they would keep themselves busy with friends, grandchildren, denture hockey, needlepoint, whittling tiny garden gnomes from extra know - standard retiree stuff.

Instead, my parents' days are filled with endless nesting (my mother), pages upon pages of blackbelt sudoku (my father)...and every night? My mom (and sometimes I) drink wine and talk while my father watches video clips on the internet. I don't know who all sends these clips to my father, but he has HUNDREDS OF THEM. I had no idea he had so many friends on email! Just tonight, he sat me down and made me watch a not-that-funny video of animals stealing things from people.

So there you have it - a retirement expose of sorts. NOW YOU KNOW.

Any suggestions for funny internet videos (purely for my father's evening entertainment, so keep it clean, folks) should be left in the comments. Here's my favorite:

Update: Found my other favorite clip. GOD, this is funny. This one NEVER GETS OLD.